As a Christian, we should be reminded that our words and deeds reflect what fills the treasure of our hearts. The question is, what fills yours? Are you full of hatred, bitterness and anger? Or do you dwell on your disappointments that you tend to blame someone else of your faults and mistakes? What we say is a manifestation of what kind of emotions and situations we are focusing on. But if the Word of God is inscribed on us then our hearts will be filled with forgiveness, wisdom, love and peace. Let His eternal joy and will rule over our hearts. The next thing we should do is to discipline and tame our tongues. We must THINK before we speak. We can use the acronym THINK – before we speak, ask ourselves these questions: Is it True? Is it Helpful? Does it have Integrity? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind? Our words can cause hurt and pain so check these items before we speak. God always look into our hearts so fill it with things that pleases Him.